Captain Sparrow [Laurie MacBride] |
That’s “Captain” to You, Matey!
Laurie MacBride in
Eye on Environment writes: "On a recent
boating trip we had a memorable encounter with Captain Sparrow, when we
pulled into a marina for an overnight stay. This wasn’t the fictional
Hollywood pirate, but his rakish charm, clowning antics, colourful
plumage and confident swagger certainly spoke of that (in)famous
character. Our true-life Captain was a loud, energetic bird – a House
sparrow, I believe (hopefully a reader will correct me if I’m
Remembering Lolita, an orca taken nearly 49 years ago and still in captivity at the Miami Seaquarium
Lyla Snover can still hear the cries from the day the captors came for
the southern resident orca whales at Penn Cove, in August 1970,
separating families as they took their pick for aquariums all over the
world. “It was agony, sadness, screaming, they felt the same way you
would feel if someone kidnapped your children, and put them in a pen and
you didn’t know where they were,” Snover said at a commemoration of the
capture, at which more than 100 people gathered Friday evening at a
Coupeville city park overlooking the cove. Of all the southern residents
taken during a series of captures beginning in the 1960s and ending in
1976, in which more than a third of the orcas that frequent Puget Sound
were taken, all are dead today but one: Lolita, still performing in
captivity at the Miami Seaquarium. The Lummi Nation has for two years
campaigned to retire her and bring her home. Lynda Mapes reports.
(Seattle Times) See also:
Lummi Nation launches new campaign to save dwindling orca population (KCPQ)
Federal cabinet to decide again on Trans Mountain pipeline expansion this week
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his cabinet will decide Tuesday
whether to greenlight the Trans Mountain expansion project, amid
political and legal uncertainty for the pipeline the government bought
last year for $4.5 billion. The Liberal government was forced to put the
project through a new consultation process after the Federal Court of
Appeal quashed past cabinet approvals for the long-delayed project and
halted construction last summer. The court said the government didn't do
adequate consultation work with Indigenous peoples before it first
approved TMX in November 2016. The court also said the National Energy
Board (NEB) did not do enough to study the effects of this project on
the marine environment in B.C.'s Lower Mainland. John Paul Tasker
reports. (CBC) See also:
No economic case for Trans Mountain expansion: ex-BC MP David Anderson Laura Kane reports. (Canadian Press)
Booming anchovy population helps salmon, orcas
Swarms of anchovy can be seen swimming through the South Sound. The
population is booming, even impressing experts, who’ve studied the
Salish Sea for years....Anchovies thrive in warmer water and feed off
plankton. They make a good meal for salmon, which helps the southern
resident orca population. Shelby Miller reports. (KIRO)
Store’s Bid to Shame Customers Over Plastic Bags Backfires
A Canadian store’s attempt to help the environment and gently shame its
customers into avoiding plastic bags by printing embarrassing messages
on them has not gone quite as planned. Far from spurring customers to
bring their own reusables, the plastic bags — variously emblazoned with
“Dr. Toews’ Wart Ointment Wholesale,” “Into the Weird Adult Video
Emporium” or “The Colon Care Co-op” — have become somewhat of a surprise
hit. “Some of the customers want to collect them because they love the
idea of it,” David Lee Kwen, the owner of the store, Vancouver’s East
West Market, told The Guardian newspaper. Anna Schaverien reports. (NY
Puget Sound waterfront owners asked to house dead whales
A couple is housing a 40-foot dead gray whale on their waterfront
property as a sort of final resting place for the mammal. Numerous of
gray whale carcasses have washed up this year that the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries has run out of places to take
them. Now they’re asking waterfront landowners to volunteer their
properties for the decomposition of gray whales up to 40 feet long.
EPA to use injected cement to hold contamination in place at Bainbridge cleanup site
Hundreds of thousands of gallons of oily contamination in the ground at
the Wyckoff Superfund site on Eagle Harbor’s south shore will be locked
in a concrete tomb. The federal Environmental Protection Agency, which
manages the cleanup of the old Wyckoff creosote treatment plant at
Bainbridge Island’s Pritchard Park, announced this week it would move
ahead with treating the site by injecting a cement slurry into the soil
there to treat 267,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil and groundwater.
In the treatment, a large-diameter auger drills into the ground, along
the way injecting the slurry in a column from the surface down deep into
the soil, said Helen Bottcher, the EPA’s site manager. After about a
month, the treated areas will become a solid, concrete monolith that
prevents remaining contaminants from leaching out into groundwater.
Roughly 650,000 gallons of oily contamination remain in the ground at
the site — evidence of the old treatment plant that once operated there —
the vast majority of which will be treated with the slurry, according
to the EPA. Nathan Pilling reports. (Kitsap Sun) See also:
EPA tweaks cleanup plan for Wyckoff site in Eagle Harbor
The current treatment system costs $750,000 a year to use but hasn't
stopped all contaminants from reaching the harbor. (Daily Journal of
Infusion of federal money propels Meadowdale Beach project
With a boost of federal money, a once-in-a-generation project is close
to breaking ground, according to Snohomish County Parks. With about half
the funds for construction secured, the county hopes to start work on a
$16 million estuary restoration project along the shore of Meadowdale
Beach Park..... The project got an infusion of federal dollars earlier
this month, when a $3.5 million grant was awarded by the U.S. Department
of Transportation. The federal grant money added to roughly $1.5
million the project had already attracted from various fish and estuary
recovery funds, plus another $2.3 million from the county budget. That
still leaves the county searching for more than $8 million to fully fund
the work. Lizz Giordano reports. (Everett Herald)
Mine exploration on edge of Manning Park opposed by environmentalists
Environmental groups on both sides of the Canada-U.S. border are calling
on the B.C. government to deny an application by Imperial Metals to
explore for minerals in an area on the edge of Manning Park. The mining
company behind the Mount Polley mine disaster has applied for a
five-year permit to drill for mining deposits in an area known as the
“donut hole” between Manning and Skagit Valley Provincial Parks,
according to a document submitted to the B.C. Ministry of Energy, Mines
& Petroleum Resources. The company is proposing to drill one or two
two-kilometre deep “mother holes,” with either settling ponds or a
water-recycling machine to deal with drill cuttings, along with access
roads, air strips and boat ramps. The area is believed to contain gold
and copper. In 2014, a tailings dam at the company’s Mount Polley mine
broke, sending 24 million cubic metres of mining waste into waterways,
including Quesnel Lake, the migratory pathway for more than one million
sockeye salmon. Glenda Luymes reports. (Vancouver Sun)
A big fish tale: Calgary men catch 800-pound sturgeon
Three men from Calgary caught a fish that was
thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis big.
Like, really, astonishingly, very big. Terry Jacobson, Tom Kirk and
Alex Kirk were on the Fraser River near Chilliwack, B.C., guided by
Steve Kaye from Sturgeon Hunter, when they hooked a fish that seems like
something out of the Paleolithic Age.... The official measurement?
Jacobson says it was 11 feet (3.3 metres) in length and five feet (1.5
metres) in girth. Kaye, he says, estimated the weight at a whopping 800
pounds (360 kilograms). (CBC)
B.C.’s Prince of Whales basks in attention from mistake in Trump tweet
All bow before the Prince of Whales. Or maybe toss him a salmon. Donald
Trump inadvertently turned a global spotlight on a Victoria-based
tourism business Thursday when he mistakenly included its name in a
tweet meant to refer to Prince Charles. “I meet and talk to ‘foreign
governments’ every day,” the president wrote. “I just met with the Queen
of England (U.K.), the Prince of Whales … ” Er, that should be Prince
of Wales. The Prince of Whales is a whale-watching outfit. (Times
New facts and findings about the European green crab invasion
Chris Dunagan in
Watching Our Water Ways recounts recent developments in the ongoing story of the European green crab invasion:
-The somewhat mysterious finding of a partially eaten green crab on the Bellingham waterfront,
-A “story map” that spells out much of what we know about European
green crabs in Puget Sound, including maps, photos and videos.
-Information about Harper Estuary in South Kitsap and other areas
where groups of citizen scientists are on the lookout for green crabs,
-Reports of a new breed of European green crab in Maine that attacks
people and may prove to be more destructive than the green crabs that
have lived in the area for a very long time.
Now, your tug weather--
West Entrance U.S. Waters Strait Of Juan De Fuca-
252 AM PDT Mon Jun 17 2019
W wind 5 to 15 kt. Wind waves 2 ft or less. W swell 4 ft
at 12 seconds. A chance of drizzle in the morning.
W wind 5 to 15 kt. Wind waves 2 ft or less. W swell
4 ft at 12 seconds. A slight chance of showers after midnight.
"Salish Sea News & Weather" is compiled as a community service
by Mike Sato. To subscribe, send your name and email to msato (@)
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